April 2024
Apr 8, 2024
Spring weather is hopefully almost here, and it will be so exciting to put away the winter gear. However, spring also means lots of rain, mud, and damp days. Please make sure your child has a full change of clothes and extra shoes or boots. We go out every day if the weather permits, and many days we may go out two to three times. Therefore, if they get soaked the first time we go out and they do not have a change of clothes they have to stay inside, go out naked, or dressed in a very odd collection of items we find to put on them. For some children the idea of wearing something not of their gender or liking can be somewhat upsetting.
The preschoolers and I have selected the book "Molly's Tuxedo” for the preschool musical this year. We had three rehearsals before break, and I must say they were amazing. They totally blew me away. They already know their places on the stage, they can enter from off stage and go directly to their places, and they learned the opening number and the first musical number complete with choreography and words! I work with adults on stage, and they would not have been able to learn and perform at this level in that little bit of time. Brennan watched their second rehearsal, and it brought him to tears. Not tears of horror but tears of joy and amazement!
The preschoolers will resume rehearsing on April 1st. We have already started to learn some of the basic songs in group time, but we will actually start getting on our feet and learning the choreography in April. The dates for the musical are tentatively set for Thursday May 30th and Friday May 31st at 5:30. As we get closer, we may push it back one week if we think we need a little more time to learn the intricate choreography, and libretto. Especially since our Broadway tour is looming. I will keep you updated.
Rehearsals will be in the morning on Mon, Tuesdays, Wednesday, and Thursdays around 9:30-10:15 As we get closer to the performances, we may add a couple of additional afternoon rehearsals. You are always welcome to attend any rehearsal. Just let us know in the morning to confirm the time. It will make your day and you may possibly just pee your pants! They are hysterical. It is also really helpful for the kids to have an audience to get used to and also to get used to having you in the room. Stay tuned for updates on costumes, set construction dates, and future press releases. We will send out emails to let you sign up for helping with set building, posters, programs etc. I am currently looking for someone who might want to help me with the costumes, and of course you can sign up to chaperone the cross-country Broadway tour. No word from Broadway yet on an official run there.
APRIL 2024
We’re aware that the plasma cars can tear up and destroy shoes. I have suggested to many parents that they leave a pair of shoes at CCC that the kids can put on when they go out to the blacktop to play. Those shoes can be some beat up, duct taped, torn up shoes that are already destroyed. We will make sure to the best of our ability that they change from their nice school shoes into their plasma shoes before they get on the plasma cars. Leave their beat-up shoes in their cubby and we will change them before we go out.
Along those same lines. The kids need appropriate shoes for outdoor and indoor play. Although cowboy boots, rain boots, crocs and flip flops are fun to wear they are not safe shoes for navigating stairs or for most outdoor play. I know it may be hard to get out the door in the morning without those special boots or shoes on their feet. If that is the case, just make sure they have tennis shoes or athletic shoes in their cubby that we can change them into for the day of play at CCC. It is hard to run and climb with those other shoes on and we want them to run and be able to climb safely. Thanks in advance for your help!
We have tentatively planned our spring clean-up day for Saturday May 11th from 10-12, weather permitting. This day, besides what you may think, is always a fun day! We usually schedule it for a couple of hours in the morning and we always get a ton done with your help! I will keep you posted as to the date and time and any garden tools or equipment we might need.
Both Gayle and I will be performing in this concert from April 25th-April 28th at Kerrytown Concert House. It is always a fun evening and an opportunity to see Gayle on stage is one that should not be missed. You can go to the restroom when I am on stage.